Udder hair burner

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From: 255,20


Aerobutane suction blowtorch with plastic handle.
Pilot flame system for gas saving and gas flow lever. It incorporates a long lance with a large number of flames.
It works with low pressures up to 30 mbar.

Elements of the set:
Handle with economizer – Ref. 14600285
Butane gas bottle of 2.8 kg. – Ref. 91000027
Lance for scorching udder hairs – Ref. 73401000
Reduced propane regulator – Ref. 37300405
Lira 5×10 (2,50 m.) armored tube – Ref. 72500130

Optional with Aerogala disposable butane gas cartridge 400 ml. – Ref. 15100150

Specially designed accessory for cleaning and burning the udder hair of cows, making milking easier and cleaner. Eliminates bacteria and dirt from the nipples.

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