Medium and High Pressure Regulators

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From: 191,20


Total safety and reliability.
All our regulators are tested for tightness and performance.

Main functions:
Half-pressure tank filling, fire extinguisher refilling, sweeping, etc.
of networks and sealing of equipment, cleaning of pipes and ducts.
Refrigeration systems. For other gases, upon request.

Medium and high pressure
Reference Gas Inlet pressure Outlet pressure Nominal Flow Rate
35300420 Nitrogen 200 bar 20 bar 60 Nm3/h.
35300440 Nitrogen 200 bar 40 bar 80 Nm3/h.
35300460 Nitrogen 200 bar 60 bar 100 Nm3/h.
35300200 Nitrogen 200 bar 200 bar 150 Nm3/h.

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